Monday, May 13, 2013

Spring Has Sprung

What we've been up to lately...

We hung some hanging planters from the front tree, a fern and rosemary.
We got several irises from Nick's mom that we decided to plant in the front flower bed that was sad and empty.
We had to clear out a LOT of weeds & random roots that were trying to take over and the rotten wood that was the previous flower bed border.
These bushes were already on either side of the front bed, and they bloomed way back in early March, so they'll keep the front yard looking pretty when all the dead leaves are still on the ground and we're too lazy to rake them up.
Iris-planting time!
They will be so lovely when they've filled out a bit!
We were intending to tear down this brick grill but I always liked something about it. I decided it would be awesome to fill it with dirt and use it as a flower planter! For now we just have some potted plants (mostly succulents; they are so hard to kill!) sitting on the rusty old grill grate, but sooner or later we will fill 'er up. Until then I quite like it as a plant stand!
On the opposite side of the grill there was already some pretty ivy growing so we thought we'd keep it going and plant some Tuscan Blue Rosemary there. Once he becomes a big fluffy bush he will smell wonderful and some people seem to think it helps keep away mosquitoes, so win-win I think!
A few more chairs and some tables for drinks and we'll be set.
The neighbor's roses are spilling over the fence and it's awesome.
Finally, I leave you with a stunning visualization of how the front of the house might look in a few years. At some point we will add shutters, and they may or may not be yellow, but they will be adorable, not to mention help to cover up the data cables that run on the outside of the house... The front of the house already looks so much better after replacing the wonky poo-brown gutters with these awesome seamless ones in "Linen" which is basically just ivory. I know my Paint skills are probably impressing you to no end.

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