Monday, March 11, 2013

"Carpet" Diem

I love this rug so much! It's pretty much the most awesome thing I've ever bought. It almost makes it look like we have a normal living room! If you look at it from the hall it even looks like we're finished painting because the door wall and mirror wall are totally DONE as far as painting goes. Unfortunately this gives us even less of a reason to move everything back out of here to grout the tile. Perhaps I even subconsciously bought the rug so I would notice less of the un-grouted tile... Either way, pretty new rug!

I also started unpacking the few boxes we still have left of picture frames, posters, artwork, etc. that we haven't put up because we haven't had finished walls until now! These are some reproductions of old (20s-60s) Texas Tech football program covers that came from a calendar we got as a gift a few years ago. I love them and they just so happen to have a lot of similar colors to the rug! They definitely belong in here. Now I just have to figure out how I want them to look on the wall. Check back in about a month and maybe they'll be hanging by then!

FYI, I got my rug on sale at which I have recently become totally addicted to! The site sells so many cool things and I want them alllllllll! They shipped my rug to me for free since it was over $75 (all 53 pounds of it!) and I am definitely seeing myself trying to convince Nick to let my buy more stuff from the site in the near future. After all, we need new towels, a new summer blanket, new plates, more art, new light fixtures... I could go on forever.

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